Monday, June 08, 2009

Looking to Save Money on Your Vacation?

Recently one of our staff member's sisters decided to go on vacation. An easy enough proposition. Like many prospective vacationers, they looked into one of our fabulous all inclusive vacations. Because of economic implications, they ultimately decided that they would stay in a friends condo in Florida. I mean, everyone is watching pennies right now...right?

So, off to Florida they went to enjoy their free lodging. During their trip they kept track of their expenses (watching pennies, remember?). They are quite stunned to realize that they actually spent more on their "free" Florida vacation then they would have taking an all inclusive.

The Breakdown:

Our lodging was free

2 round trip plane tickets was approx $400.00

Baggage fees another $100.00 (15 per bag each way - 2 bags checked - plus one way the guy stuck us with a 40 dollar excessively sized baggage fee on top of that)

Split rent car $100.00 (Shared with another couple)

Eating Out @ Restaurants: $500.00

Groceries&Alcohol: $200.00

Excursions (kayaking, shark fishing, etc) $100.00

I'm sure there's also some other small stuff (toll bridges, gas, t-shirts, etc)

With an all inclusive vacation, you don't have any surprises! Don't be fooled!


Blogger Unknown said...

My favorite part of the story is the flight. $200 per person sounds like a good enough deal, except that they had a 4 hour layover in Atlanta Int'l Airport for outbound flight. Yuck! Makes me love nonstop charter flights even more. :)

2:45 PM  

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