Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Puppy Mills

At the dog park the other day I was talking to a lady who works with a local rescue organization. She was telling me about when she was a part of the crew that went in to clean up after a puppy mill had been busted over in Fort Worth. Apparently the people had been breeding these poor dogs over and over then just abandoning them in a field to die. They would get dogs and just breed them over and over until they just didn't have it in them to make any more puppies. As soon as they'd gotten everything they could out of the poor dogs, they'd abandon them.

They were fined $40,000.00

I'm sure they just re-grouped and opened back up somewhere else. The $40K was just a cost of doing business. They probably have it figured into the plan at the beginning.

That got me thinking about workplaces and how people are treated within them. I recently had a conversation with a friend about a very high producing travel company here in Texas where the agents are given very high quotas and if they don't make them, they're fired.

No discussion, just gone.

I'm sure they have the constant training and hiring expenses for the new staff just figured into the plan, much like the fine imposed on the puppy mill people. Just go through people, use them as long as you can get something out of them, then abandon them and go on to the next one. The travel company in question does a lot of business and, I presume, makes a lot of money.

But, here's the thing. I don't want to work in a puppy mill. I don't want to work in a place where people feel stretched over a barrel, where they don't know from one month to the next if they're going to be able to keep their jobs. I want to work in a place where people are valued and developed to grow to be better people.

Lucky for me, I do!


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