Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas

Let me make something perfectly clear.

I am a Christian. I celebrate Christmas. I love Jesus. I am nothing more than a sinner saved by grace. I've been a Christian since a very young age, I was raised in a Christian home. I'm pretty conservative politically. I am a regular church attender and have a volunteer position at my church.

That said, I'd really like Christians to stop whining about Christmas.

Recently I got an email asking me to boycott Old Navy because they won't use the word Christmas in their stores or on their winter themed products. I see grumblings on message boards and from people in real life about how everyone is "taking the Christ out of Christmas".

Stop and think for a minute how that must make Christians sound. When did anyone pass a law that at this time of year everyone has to celebrate a holiday just like us?

Is it really appropriate to require retailers to believe the way we do? Should I quiz the manager of the Kroger before I purchase that gallon of milk? Should I have my hairdresser fill out a questionaire about her beliefs before she starts cutting?

If our mission is to draw people to Christ..to be a light in the darkness...wouldn't it make more sense to go about our lives and interact with peace and kindness with the world around us and stop whining when everyone doesn't believe the way we do?

I'd love to hear your comments.


Blogger Fabulous Terrah said...

Amen, I totally agree.

10:58 PM  

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