Friday, July 18, 2008

I want a pit crew... I hate the procedure I currently have to go through when I have car problems. ~ Dave Barry.

So, this morning I went out to start the car. My efforts were met with a series of clicks rather than the reassuring sounds of a motor ready to take me where I needed to go.

My first priority was to get Son to where he spends his days this summer. It is about a mile from our house so we took off walking. In case you're's HOT here. I run every morning...when I run I'm in shorts and prepared to sweat. My hair is not yet coiffed and I am wearing more comfortable shoes. When I returned from walking him to camp I then set out to find someone to give me a jumpstart. Since my neighbors are mostly retired, it was no problem to find someone at home with the time to help me.

So I got to Plano and turned my car over to the car repair place behind our office. They just called and told me that my battery was find and just needed to be recharged, then proceeded with a list of other things that needed attention.

I really need to live in a city with better public transportation....


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