Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a Great Weekend!

Daughter and I have been in Philadelphia this weekend visiting her dear friend who is in Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia for a month or so being treated for a rare and painful condition. God preserved this weekend with no homework and no other commitments as obstacles so we hopped on a plane on Saturday morning and spent yesterday and today taking in as much as we could. In this picture we are on the top of a double decker bus on a hop on hop off tour of this historic city.

As I blog to you I am perched along a wall near the first outlet I found near our gate in the Philadelphia airport. Our flight is delayed about an hour. I presume hurricane Kyle is gumming up the works here in the Northeast. All of the flights are delayed a similar amount.

We have truly had a blessed weekend. The weather forecast called for dismal conditions. In reality, we got just barely sprinkled on maybe a total of five minutes. The four of us (two moms and two daughters) really toured together well. It was just really a fantastic weekend.


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