Update for December 21

It is very cold here in Texas today. It was about 25 degrees when we left for church this morning and I don't think it's gotten above freezing yet. Happily, the weather is dry so transportation is not a problem.
At church we found that tickets for the 6pm Christmas Eve service are all gone. Bummer. We will go to the 8pm service.
I am floating in an ever decreasing sea of laundry. I am also trying to input all of our tax related transactions for 2008 so we'll be ready when our packet from Gene (our accountant) arrives.
Mine and my son's noses are running like faucets.
My inlaws arrive Tuesday and I have planned all of the meals for when they will be visiting. I also went grocery shopping yesterday for everything. Good grief food is expensive!
Our cleaning lady won't be back until after the inlaws leave so I am trying to stay on top of the children to keep things neat around here. Unfortunately they are unaccustomed to being concerned about such things.
Philip is out purchasing his last minute "oh my goodness the kids don't have enough gifts" gifts. I will wrap when he returns. I will also take the kids out to purchase this year's ornaments. Every year I have each kid buy an ornament that represents something important to them from that year. I put a tag on it indicating the significance. When they grow up and move away they will be able to take those ornaments with them and start their own traditions.
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