Saturday, February 07, 2009

Ahhhhh, Saturday

I am sitting here in a quiet house. Lacy is curled up by me on the floor. Daughter is at a Latin competition, Son is across the street at a friends house and Philip is at the office catching up on some things.

I am watching a rented movie here on my laptop, catching up on things and taking a breath. My day to day life doesn't leave much breathing room. From the moment my eyes open I feel like I am running behind, feeling guilty because no matter where I am, I feel like there is somewhere else I am supposed to be, something else I'm supposed to be doing. Many times it is also like that on the weekend. We fly from game, to party, to whatever other commitment we have.

I love rare days like today when I can be still.


Blogger Fabulous Terrah said...

Amen. :)

3:34 PM  

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