Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Son was 18 months old he got his first set of tubes. When those fell out and he immediately resumed having problems with the ear infections. So, the doctor put in "T" tubes that would not fall out but would have to be removed.

Today, 6 years later, we had those tubes removed. It was a different experience taking a 9 year old for a procedure than it was taking a 3 year old. This time he knew what was going on and had questions and fears. I believe we answered them adequately and by the time he was wheeled back he was comfortable.

The hospital was fantastic. They had Cartoon Network on the TV and had crayons and a coloring book ready for him. They also had doctor uniform pajamas as well as a school bus bag for his other belongings.

He was particularly impressed with the treads on the socks they gave him.

The most entertaining part of the morning was when he was coming out of surgery. He doesn't remember this interchange (or anything else that happened).

Son coming out of Anesthesia from Catherine Banks on Vimeo.

He also doesn't remember riding in a wheelchair. But I have photographic proof.


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