Thursday, July 02, 2009

This Weekend

As I've mentioned, I'm have big plans this weekend to get caught up on so many things that have been hanging over my head. I am to the stage of life where I know myself well enough to know that when I get to Monday evening when my family returns no matter how much I get done I will feel like it wasn't enough.

So, I am going to continually edit this post throughout the weekend adding things I want to get done, and marking off the list things that I've already accomplished. Every single task may not make sense to you.

So here goes.
Thursday Evening:
Unload Dishwasher
Start Dryer
Fold 2 loads of Laundry
Clean out car (identified funny smell!)
Took forgotten vitamins from this morning as well as the ones for this evening
General pickup downstairs
Empty Webmail
Dump Camera Memory Stick and recharge camera battery
Bought new backup harddrive (1 TB) along with legal pads and two really cool purple markers.
90 Minute Massage

Take Lacy for a walk and to dog park
Water Everything
Miracle Grow the Flowers
Furminate Lacy

File everything in inbox
Bring all data entry up to date
This took HOURS
Fine tune home budget
2pm Facial Appointment...YAY!

Walk Lacy
Hose off the air conditioner units
Grocery Shopping
Prepare many future dinners and freeze them
Got 23 family sized entrees done and in the freezer. YAY!
Complete all pending wedding sites

Go to Church
Clean out closet
Complete all laundry
Clean shutters downstairs, vacuum behind
Go to movies with neighbor
Walk Lacy and take to dog park
Create landing page for super secret marketing campaign

We're down to the last few hours of freedom. Will I sleep tonight? Will I be caught up in a frenzy of last minute productivity? Stay Tuned.

Stay tuned for updates in this post.


Blogger Brenda said...

What else should you do? Well get your Christmas cards ordered and all the shopping done of course. Then, send for my 2 amazing kids and we too will accomplish many goals while childless.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Catherine Banks said...

Well, my 2 amazing kids dad took them to his folks house. Your 2 amazing kids dad could do the same!

8:24 PM  

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