Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Mornings

I think I mentioned a while back that I've started the routine of waking up at 5:30am to get 90 minutes of work done before my family gets up and I start the whole "brush your teeth, get dressed, did you take your vitamins?" routine.

I'm still at it.

I'm finding that by Friday morning I'm pretty darn tired. Also, every evening by about 9pm I'm really longing for my pillow. On the upside, when I finally arrive at the office each day I can dig right into work that can most effectively be done at the office like working in clientbase, creating Christmas hold tapes with my staff.

I'm also finding that almost every morning I wish I had more time. The morning is the only time I work without interruption. The time is delicious. I have to go wake up Ruthie in about 5 minutes and then the day will begin...


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