Deryl Dodd
Now, I know nothing of Texas music artists. Our agency has helped promote Texas Music Week in Puerto Vallarta for several years, so I've gotten to where I recognize at least some of the names. I'd also gotten to meet Deryl Dodd a couple of months ago at another agency function where he came as a favor to a friend of his to sing for a dinner I attended.
From what I can tell, Deryl is kind of a big deal in Texas Music circles. That I hadn't heard of him is just another indication that there is a whole lot that I know nothing about.
Last night was of course the first time I'd seen him in a performance type setting. After he played (while the Tejas Brothers were on stage) he came out and hung out around our table for the rest of the evening. I was amazed the number of people (especially women...he's a cutie) that kept coming up to him and coming up to him. What amazed me even more though is how genuinely kind he was to each person who approached him. He hugged them and spoke to them. If it had been me I would have been back hiding somewhere where people couldn't get to me.
The picture above is from the VIP room before the performance where we got to go back and chat before the show. He's just a generally nice guy, and sings them there songs pretty good too!
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