Friday, May 11, 2007

So, I found a baggie of a certain illegal substance...

Yesterday I left the office slightly earlier than usual in order to mark some nagging errands off my list. While I was walking back to my car after one of my stops, a baggie caught my eye. It was a sandwich baggie that appeared to have a dried green plant substance inside.

I initially walked past it then stopped and thought, "Whoa! I can't leave that lying around!" I backed up, picked up the bag and smelled the contents. (Like that was going to tell me anything.) I thought briefly about what I should do. Then, I called the Plano Police department, sat on the curb, and waited. At that point I was really hoping that the baggie contained what I thought it contained because I was going to feel especially stupid if they sent a squad car out to collect a bag of rosemary.

As I sat I thought about what might happen if the bags owner returned before the police got there. Before too long though, the police car arrived and he confirmed that it was indeed a certain controlled substance. He took my information, took the bag and told me that they would destroy the contents.

Just doing my part in the war on drugs. :-)


Blogger Jon Gear said...

That is my crime fighting sister alright. I am curious...why don't you call it pot? Are you afraid some of your friends will know that it is called "pot"? Like if you know its "street name" that you must be using it?

6:18 AM  
Blogger Catherine Banks said...

I think because I didn't want someone to be able to google a drug name and find my blog...not sure really.

7:07 AM  

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