Monday, July 02, 2007

This is What World Peace Looks Like

Last December, my daughter traveled to Argentina for a month with CISV. CISV is an organization that creates experiences for young people in order to promote peace and friendship around the world.

Our daughter traveled to Argentina last December for a month long village. This summer (as every summer) there is a village right here in Dallas. That means that 12 4 kid delegations travel here to Dallas from around the world. Each delegation also brings a young adult leader. Upon arrival, the leaders to to the camp to make final preparations and the kids go to host families.

Yesterday, we picked up the Norwegian delegation. Cecile, Oline, Tobias and Markus will be with us until tomorrow when we take them to village. They are delightful kids and we're having a great time getting to know them.

Tonight we will be attending a Frisco Roughriders game.

More Soon.


Blogger Brenda said...

My goodness, your blond kids fit right in with the Norwegian delegates. Did your daughter see any of the kids from the Argentina village?

8:04 PM  
Blogger Catherine Banks said...

In CISV, you only go to one village as a delegate in your lifetime...only when you're 11. So, none of the delegates for this village would have been at her village 6 months ago.

They do have a different experience at each age level after that, but not village. For instance, next summer Ruthie will in all likelyhood be going on an interchange.

Interchange is for 12 and 13 year olds. 4 kids fly over to the other country and stay in the homes of the foreign delegation. Then, they all fly back and spend another 2 weeks in the USA.

Fun fun!

9:23 PM  

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