Friday, August 24, 2007

Cathi Central

For a while now my productivity has suffered because I haven't really had a work area dedicated to tackling my projects. My desk at work is on the retail floor so I have to make allowances for that. Also, when I'm working actually at the office, since it is a retail environment, I have to be ready to work with customers at all times. More and more, the projects I work on don't really lend themselves well to being interrupted. So, I've taken to carrying around all of my files and projects and stuff and packing and unpacking them wherever I happen to be. This really hasn't worked well. Things fall through the cracks and precious minutes I could be using doing tasks are spent packing, unpacking and carrying stuff.

So, I've been considering where I might be able to have a work area dedicated to my many and varied projects. We do have an entire room in our home that serves as an office. The problem there is threefold. Specifically, my husband and my two kids. They each have desks in that room and they are all SLOBS. (love you guys!) My brain doesn't function in disarray. I have to have fairly good order around me or I can't concentrate. I've tried and tried to make myself go into that office and try to accomplish just doesn't work.

Then I noticed the little alcove off of our master bedroom. Hmmm...that might work. Here's what it looked like:

So, I measured it up and started planning. As of today, I have a cute little office area where I am blogging from right now.

Here's now it looks today:

Now, of course, my son wants to go swimming, so I have to pack up Rosie (my Macbook) and head outside to work.

Oh well, there are worse things :-)


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