Sunday, May 11, 2008


On Friday I got an excited phone call from my 13 year old daughter.

"Mom! There is a momma duck and about 10 baby ducks in our pool!"

Oh great...I told her to leave them alone and we'd deal with them when I got home.

On the advice of the Animal Control officer on call, we set about collecting the ducklings into this container. Daughter was tireless in her pursuit of the little guys dashing around the too-cold-to-swim-in pool.

Here is Momma Duck fretting about her babies.

Here is daughter on the 1/2 mile trek to the nearby duck pound where we were relocating our ducky family.

...and here she is saying goodbye to the ducklings.

We haven't seen them again, so I'm assuming they're happy in the nearby duck pond. I must tell you that walking down the street with a box full of ducks being followed by a Momma Duck draws more than a little attention.


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