Sunday, October 12, 2008

London and Paris

You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find someone to take with you on a free trip.

I think I mentioned that I won a trip to London and Paris. Finally I have someone to come with me. My 23(?) year old niece will be going with me. We've been to Europe together before right after she graduated from High School. The night before our last trip she got engaged. Now that she's an old married lady :-) I'm hoping she won't long for home as much as she did last time.

I'm thinking that during this trip I'll keep track of everything we spend and try to keep it under $100/day including food and sightseeing. I'll update my blog every day along with the spending for that day.

Here are some of the ways we'll keep spending down:

London Walks
Paris Walks
Paris Greeters

More Soon!


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