Friday, February 20, 2009

Mexico Travel Advisory

Back in October, the US State Department issued a travel advisory for Mexico. A member of the local media just called to find out our thoughts about it.

It is very important that you actually read the travel advisory and not just jump to conclusions.. It indicates that the areas of concern are in the border towns. It does say that in the tourist towns that US citizens should stay in the tourist areas. Of course!

One of my best friends in the world lives in Cancun, several more very good friends (not to mention numerous clients) are in various tourist areas of Mexico. I was scheduled to be down there right now (I only canceled because I wasn't going to be able to video what I needed to video.) My son and husband were scheduled to be down there next month (trip canceled due to my father in law's health).

I would go to any Mexican tourist resort today or any day. I have never felt the least bit unsafe while there. I have, however, felt unsafe after dark in the parking lot of a WalMart near my house.

As in all things, just use your head.


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