Saturday, July 11, 2009

Planning a Group Getaway

On Monday night I'll be giving a presentation to a group of ladies about planning a girlfriend getaway. This is what I've come up with. I'd love your feedback.

1. Choose a chief. As a group, decide who will be the main point person for planning matters. Many groups informally just leave it to every member to "see what they can find". This results in each person falling in love with whatever they've found and becoming invested in the work they've done on behalf of the group. The group members then commence quarreling and advocating for the trip they've investigated. Dissention rears its ugly head and the group falls apart.

The better choice is for the group to decide on one trip planner. That trip planner should be the one to do all of the initial investigation after the group decides on some initial guidelines.

2. Establish clear parameters. During the initial conversation there are more topics that need to be discussed and decided. For instance, each group member needs to be very clear and frank regarding budget limitations. Find out from each member what their maximum budget is.

One difficulty you may encounter is when one or a few of the group members have a budget that is way out of line with the other members. It is important to resolve this before the planning goes any further because it will certainly become an issue as time goes on.

Another thing you must discuss are dates. Every group member needs to pull out calendars and establish a clear set of dates during which everyone is available. Nothing is more frustrating then finding a great trip that suits everyone's budget, only to find out that half the group isn't available on the same dates as the other half.

Does everyone have (or is everyone willing to get) passports? This is another issue that will dictate the possibilities for the trip. What type of trip does each group member have in mind? How long of a trip is everyone looking for?

Once you discuss all of these things (preferably in person - maybe at a Starbucks) then the planner is ready to get to work.

3. Be willing to compromise. If you want to go on the exact trip you want and only the exact trip you want, go by yourself or take only your dog.

4. Don't wait for 100% consensus, because it will probably never come.


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