Another Lifehack Courtesy of the iPhone

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I am keeping my eyes open for ways to eliminate the drag in my daily life. Ways to do things with less effort so that my energy and effort can be used toward moving forward.
For several years now, I take pictures of my kids as they leave for school. Now I also take a picture of the dog as well. Typically, I try to make sure that my camera is with me as the time approaches for them to leave. (Many times this didn't happen which meant either that I didn't get the shot or I was left running through the house to get the phone as they were scrambling to leave.) Then, after I arrived at the office I would pull out my USB media reader, pull the memory card out of the camera, upload the pictures to Flickr and put them in the appropriate sets so that they are displayed here on my blog over there to the right of the most current post.
Now, however, since I have an iPhone which has a pretty great camera (although no flash) and the wonderful App Store has a free Flickr app that supports upload as well as organization of the pictures right from the phone itself, I just take the photo right with my phone (which is always in my hand anyway) and upload it immediately. Voila! I've eliminated a step.
Fun! What step will I eliminate next?
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