Thursday, October 29, 2009


Lately several reminders have come up about how much I am in a relationship business.

Yesterday we had a customer check in at my favorite hotel ever, the El Dorado Maroma. One of my agents had gotten confused about the facilities in the MiHotelito room section (she stayed at Maroma, but was in one of the infinity pool rooms). The customer had brought special bath salts with the express intention of enjoying the 2 person in room jacuzzi. The MiHotelito rooms don't have a tub at all. The swim up and the infinity rooms do, and all other El Dorado rooms do, and the agent had misspoken.

Because the agent had been down so recently, and because of several other initiatives we have undertaken to cultivate relationships with key people at key hotels, the person at the hotel (after speaking to our agent who explained the situation) expressed how happy she was to hear from us and that she was going to move the client into the Honeymoon Suite which happened to be available. Talk about a happy client!

I find examples of this everywhere. Earlier this week a couple came in to talk about taking their whole extended family on a cruise to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Because we already had a relationship (they went on another trip with us earlier this year) it was a very easy process. The trust was already there, and I already had the knowledge of what was important to them..what they like..what they don't.

It isn't just our business, either. Last night we went out to dinner with our 9th grader's advisor at school. If you don't know what an advisor is...just think of a "homeroom teacher" crossed with a counselor who stays with you through your whole four years of high school. I'm convinced we got the best one in the school. Rather than traditional conferences, he chooses to share a meal with the families of his advisees. He feels it helps to cultivate the relationship more easily so that things run smoother. Very very wise, I think.

Where do you see relationship business in your life?


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