Monday, February 06, 2006

Home and Tired

I have returned from Mexico. The trip was a resounding success by any possible measure.

I am completely exhausted.

Coming home to a family whose lives have continued unhindered in my absence is slightly disorienting. The thousand details that I would have attended to as they came up all stare at me in the face upon my return.

Adding to that overwhelmed feeling is the face that my head swims with brilliant ideas when I am out of town. When I get home I want to execute on my brilliance...only to find out that there are a million mundane life and work issues I must attend to. These mundane life and work issues suck the time and life from my days, preventing my true brilliance from shining forth.

So, I have been attempting to bring the house to some semblance of order. I have been attending to school and homework details for the kids, going through mail and trying to unpack.

Tomorrow, brilliance!


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