Monday, April 03, 2006

She's Baaaaaack!

That's right..I'm finally blogging from a real keyboard. My thumbs are grateful for the break.

Yesterday was quite the eventful day, so I'm going to try to relay what happened without boring you to tears.

In spite of Daylight Savings time and being up until 1am on Saturday night, I requested a 6am wake up call so that I could attend church down at St. Paul's Chapel .

I had an interesting Subway experience on the way in that I got on the wrong train and actually ended up in Brooklyn. It was shocking to be sitting there on the train (a mostly underground experience) and then be surrounded by sunlight and going over a bridge. I thought to myself "This can't be right." I got off at the next stop and headed back to Manhattan. I slid into the church pew just as church was starting.

There were only about 10 people in attendance. It was daylight savings Sunday and it was an 8am service. I enjoyed the service. It was impactful to me to sit on the pews that were nicked and beat up and know that the cause of the damage were the boots and equipment of the dedicated men and women that worked to recover the bodies at the World Trade Center after that attacks.

Afterwards I was able to really go through the exhibit housed there regarding the role of that church in the hours, days week and months following the September 11th terrorist attacks. During more normal hours there is a line to get into the church and a crowd inside. I was able to really go slowly and digest everything.

After church I walked over to Ground Zero and slowly read all of the posted information.

Following that, I just started walking north on Broadway. I went through Tribeca, Chinatown, Soho, Greenwich Village, West Village and Chelsea. I ate at a little neighborhood place on 7th Avenue South. I found an open air market in Chelsea where I bought gifts for my kids. I just ambled through the city with no agenda at all. Finally I started getting up near the Time Square and I thought I'd go to the half price ticket line to see what was available for a matinee.

I ended up with Row "C" tickets right in front of the stage for Chicago. I really had a good time watching the performance. Robin Givens and John OHurley were two of the talented performers. After the show, I ran back to the hotel, grabbed my bag, hopped in a car and headed for the airport.

We boarded the plane on time, taxied out to the runway, then turned around and came back (which took over an hour) due to a malfunctioning onboard computer. The airline declared the aircraft out of service, we got off, got onto another plane and headed to Texas. We landed at about 1215am.

In baggage claim I thought I saw my bag come off the conveyor..but then it never came around...I filed a lost bag report. The airline just called to tell me that they lady who picked it up in error was returning it and they will deliver it to me today. I am eager to get it back.

All in all a fantastic trip.


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