Thursday, March 30, 2006

I've Arrived

Well, almost. As I compose this I am still in the air. It looked for a moment as though we would have a center seat empty ("we" being myself in the window seat and the stranger in the aisle seat in my row). At the last moment a lady that appeared to be quite unhappy came and sat between us.

She looked like she had a story to tell, so I asked her if this was a last minute trip or if she booked the center seat on purpose. Apparently she got to the airport this morning ready to fly to NYC and was informed that her reservation had never been ticketed and was cancelled! So, rather than spending 250.00 on this trip, she got tobspend 1000.00 and sit in a center seat.

Okay, now I am in baggage claim and it is taking forever. I will sign off for now.


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