Sunday, March 12, 2006

"So what are YOU doing for spring break?"

People ask me alot about the travel habits and preferences of me personally and of our family. Since we've been in this business for close to 18 years I guess people figure that we must have the inside scoop. I guess, in many ways, we do.

So now, in a Travel Tales exclusive, I'm going to let YOU in on the "Inside Scoop".

The Inside Scoop:

Don't travel when hoards of other people are traveling.

There you go. That's the inside scoop of travel. Yes, I know you might have kids in school or maybe you're a teacher yourself. Maybe you only have time off when school is out. That's fine. Just understand that you'll have to pay more for your trips and perhaps endure more crowds than if that weren't the case.

If you do have the flexibility, you should certainly consider going at off peak times. For instance, go ahead and book the Yucatan or the Caribbean in the Fall. Yes, I'm well aware that it's hurricane season. Buy the insurance and go anyway. Even though the storms make the news constantly, most people who travel during that time of year are completely unaffected and enjoy low prices and low crowds.

Another idea, even if you are limited to the school schedule, is to consider less than orthodox places for your trip. Nothing says you HAVE to go to a beach for Spring Break. It's a fairly inexpensive time to go to Europe, for instance. You might be surprised how much there is to do even for elementary school aged children. Consider departing on the Saturday when the break begins and returning home on the very last day. This leaves you a good window to experience something quite out of the ordinary.

Give it some thought. Oh, and what AM I doing for Spring Break? Well, I'm taking a short train trip with my kids to my Dad's house. He and his wife live in Waco, so it isn't very far from Dallas. We're looking forward to the train ride though.

Always looking for something out of the ordinary!


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