Monday, March 13, 2006

Chief Cook, Bottle Washer and Network Administrator

I wear many hats in our office. One of my main hats is "Keeper of All Things Pertaining To Technology".

Today that was pretty much the only hat I had time to wear. About noon, all of a sudden we completely lost Internet connectivity. Since we utilize IP telephony, that pretty much leaves us dead in the water.

Fortunately, Philip is in Alabama at his parents house. His phone was connected at the time, and I was able to send Marty to my house here in Plano where I keep an extra IP phone hooked up. So, I had Philip in Alabama and Marty here at the house fielding all of our incoming calls.

Meanwhile, I did various things to isolate where our problem was. Turns out, our Linksys WRT54G router decided to stop working. Amazing how something small like a dead router will really throw a kink in a network.

So if you tried to call us during the mayhem that was today, please forgive me.

We're all fixed now and I should be able to catch up tomorrow on that cooking and bottle washing.


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