Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Economy and Your Vacation

Vacationing in Today's Economy

Gloomy Economy Takes Toll on Thanksgiving Travel

Economy Hinders Holiday Travel Plans

Gloom and doom stories about the economy are everywhere. Many of these stories deal with how the economy is affecting travel. My experience has been that reporters tend to have a preconceived idea about a situation and they look for situations or statistics that support the position they want to take in the article. Many times, they're looking for a different way to frame the same story over and over. Just watch CNN for more than 15 minutes and you'll get a taste. Since the travel industry seems to be the red headed stepchild of the media, talking about a decrease in travel is a very popular topic at the moment.

But let's break down the real story. In the L.A. times story linked above the "toll" that has been taken on Thanksgiving Travel is 2%. That's right TWO PERCENT! From the headline I would have guessed it to be much higher, wouldn't you?

The fact of the matter is that here at Legacy Travel we've had our second straight record year. In fact, by July of this year, more people were going on vacation than in all of 2007. We have more vacations booked for the coming year than we had in place at this time last year. The fact is that during times of high stress vacations are more important than ever.

People will take wonderful vacations this year. People will have special anniversary trips, destination weddings, memorable family vacations, honeymoons and amazing adventures. The stock market will come and go, but the only time we have is now. Celebrate your family and your life.

The other facet of travel and this economy that you're likely to hear about in the press right now is all of the amazing deals you'll find since the economy is suffering. It is true that some hotels and resorts are cutting prices. The rest of the story that you're not likely to read about is that even though hotels and resorts cut prices, the airlines reduced the number of flights they operate so the cost for airfare has actually increased.

Remember back when gas was costing almost $4.00 per gallon? The airlines reduced the number of flights they operate so that the remainder of the flights would be full and could be operated at a profit.

So, the bottom line is:

1) You do need a vacation and will in all likelihood take one this year.
2) Because of the reduction in the number of airline seats, the best bet to get a great deal is to book early.
3) Don't worry, be happy.


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