Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An entirely different sort of travel...

This weekend I spent many hours uploading new hotel photo tours to our website. We hear from many of you that you enjoy these unretouched photos that we take when we are actually onsite at the various hotels. No airbrushing, cropping or otherwise altering the photos goes on before they are posted to our site. Here is a link to our hotel photo tours.

Right now, the biggest news around here is that Philip and I are moving our residence. Rest assured that our office is still here on the South West corner of Parker and Custer in Plano. I am living in a land of boxes and packing material.

Tonight I am speaking to the Plano Area Moms of Multiples monthly meeting. I'll be speaking about traveling with kids. Right now I feel more qualified to speak about moving with children!

Well, I'd better go work on my speech a little more.

More Later.


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