Friday, October 27, 2006

Last Leg in London

Today I have traveled via Easy Jet from Prague to London Stansted. Before I start in on the trip, let me say something about my new friend in Prague, Pasquale. Pasquale operates the Arcadia Residence and the Arcadia Old Town. I stayed in "Kozna 1" at Arcadia Old Town. I cannot imagine a cleaner better equipped place, a better location, or a better value. If you are standing at the Astronomical Clock in the Old Town Square, turn around walk about 20 paces, then turn right on Kozna street...walk another 10 paces...then you're at the front door.

The picture at the top of this post is the frescoed ceiling at the top of one of the oh so many churches I toured yesterday. This picture to the right is me beside one of the guards at Prague Castle.

Yesterday one of my new friends, MaryLee had a sinus situation happening, so Ellen and I took off to take in more of Prague. She had the agenda and I followed along. We went back to Prague Castle (which we had seen with Blanca the day before) but this time we bought the ticket and went in. A big part of the interior was closed off due to a state function taking place. They knocked 50 Crowns off the price of the ticket to make up for it, but it was still a bummer.
I am a walking international bank. I have with me Czech Crowns, British Pound Sterling, US Dollars and Euros. I have never felt more like I am spending Monopoly money in my life. I just get used to one currency, then I am off to the next place. This morning when I paid my bill to Pasquale, he told me my total in Euros. I handed him all of my Crowns, and he converted and deducted that. Then, I gave him my remaining Euros and he deducted that. Then, I still had like 40 Euros left to pay. I told him "I have US Dollars, British Pounds and credit cards, which would you like?" He chose the US Dollars.

This picture to the left is St. Vitus Cathedral. It is a defining structure of the Prague skyline. It is within the grounds of the Prague Castle. Mass is still held in all of these churches, but I'm told they aren't very well attended.

Now, I'm in London! I got on Easy Jet this morning. I am a big big Easy Jet fan now. They are a discount carrier and they seem to really have their act together. They have done away with the nonsense that standard carriers deal with. On Easy Jet, there is no refund or re-using a ticket if you don't just don't get your money back...too bad. The amount of money is so little, however, that if your plans change it really isn't that big of a deal. They have a wide variety of food for purchase onboard and it is actually decent food! I had a sandwich and a Diet Coke and it was really good! Expensive..but good! They turn their planes around in 25 minutes. The flight staff were really friendly and you could tell they were really dedicated to that 25 minute turn around time. They went around picking up trash off the aisle floor and even cleaned the bathroom while we were coming in for a landing..none of this waiting for the ground crew business.....

I'm going to go ahead and publish this (if Blogger cooperates) and dial into the office and get some work done.

I'm very very excited to be going home on Sunday, but hope to squeeze some fun out of London before I do.

More Later.


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