Friday, October 20, 2006

What a Day

First of all, my beloved mate Philip brought to my attention that my usage of grammar in the last post left a little to be desired. Let me just say that my sleep is more than a little messed up, so cut me some slack.

For instance, this morning I woke up at 2am and never did get back to sleep. I didn't leave the room until 7am, but I was never asleep again after 2am. It is now 10:13pm and I have been going like the Energizer Bunny all day.

Here's what I've done today:

7am: Left my room and made my way to the office where I would begin my Segway tour.

Let me just say "WHOA!"

That was the most fun I've had in a long time. Here are a couple of pictures of me on the Segway:

The other two ladies in the picture are Diana and Jackie. They are friends traveling together who both live in England. Jackie fell of the Segway later in the tour and, while she wasn't seriously injured, she was shaken up pretty good and also ripped her pants. They sent a truck from the tour office to come pick her and the Segway up and they delivered her back to her hotel. She had mentioned before the tour that she was...shall we say...coordinationally challenged.

Our tourguide's name is Karin. She was very knowledgable and really helped me understand the history and significance of Vienna.

After the tour, I did a Podcast with Rick, the owner of the tour company. He has extended an offer to me to borrow a bike tomorrow and ride up the Danube river. I will either do that or go to Salzburg. On one hand, I don't feel like spending 6 hours on a train. On the other hand, my body is SO TIRED right now that I can't imagine riding a bike for 5 or so hours tomorrow either. I'm sure I'll feel differently tomorrow.

For lunch I ate at the Cafe at the Sacher Hotel. This is where Sacher Torte, the famous chocolate cake, originated. In case you're wondering, yes I did try the cake. (I know! How unlike me!) Just between you and me, the chocolate cake at Amy's Bread in New York City has it beat hands down. This represented the first sit down meal I'd eaten since arriving in Austria.

Stuffed full of cake and soup and a sandwich, I started on what Philip likes to call the "Honey Deathmarch". When we travel together and I take off walking and he tries to keep up, he's convinced that I'm trying to kill him. I'm really not. I just like to wander around. As I walked, I took pictures. Lots of pictures. (Do you hear me, Jean?) I'll share a few of them with you here.

I'm going to see if I can perhaps sleep through the night tonight. I hope you're doing well. Vienna is beautiful. You should come see it in person.

More Later.


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