Saturday, October 28, 2006

Lovely London

It looks like Blogger is having image uploading issues no pictures on this post...sorry!

Today I had the luxury of an unstructured day with nothing planned. I woke up at 6:30am and did a little bit of research and looking for something I wanted to do and just couldn't find anything. So, I decided just to wander around all day and see where the day took me.

High points were the Portobello Road Market, having a cream tea at a tea shop, sitting in Hyde Park, sitting in a rose garden in St. James Park, watching some sort of horse guard inspection, eating about 8000 calories worth of food and seeing many of my favorite London sites.

My best high point though, was meeting my friend Jackie for dinner and play. I have so enjoyed seeing her these last couple of days.

I just changed my flight tomorrow to one that arrives home 4 hours earlier...which means that I have to wake up in about three hours to begin my journey ta for now!

More Later (from Texas!!)


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