Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Books I'm Either Reading or Have Recently Read

The Innocent Man by John Grisham. I bought this book at London Gatwick Airport before boarding my Dallas bound flight. I don't normally read alot of "not useful" books, but I was about to be on a plane for about 10 hours, so I needed something to pass the time. I really enjoyed it and recently passed it on to my sister who lives in the area where the events in the book actually took place.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking By Malcolm Gladwell. A few months ago I read his other recent publication, The Tipping Point. The concepts in these books fascinate me. Blink is about how we many times instantly know things without knowing how we know it (or sometimes even that we know it).

Book I'm reading now:
Call to Action By Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg. This book is about improving conversion rates with your website. Riveting stuff.

Next book I'll read
Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?Again, by the Brothers Eisenberg. This is another marketing type book. With such a clever title I can't wait to read it.


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