Friday, December 05, 2008

Happy Friday

I am sitting here in my living room, wearing jingle bells around my neck, waiting for my husband to come home from work, my son to come home from across the street, my daughter to come home from Latin Club and my sister in law to arrive from out of town.
I have fuzzy slippers on and I've been drinking tea. All in all not a bad way to spend the afternoon.

My house looks like an elf exploded in it. I hauled out the Christmas decorations, and some are even displayed, but there are still about 10 boxes in the living room. Some of them are tree ornaments which is understandable since we don't have a tree yet. The rest of the boxes are decorations about which I have not yet decided. I inherited quite an assortment of decorations from my mom which is great. However, using all of them every year can get a little overwhelming. Displaying them isn't so much the problem. The problem lies in taking down the decorations. I hate taking down Christmas decorations.

The period of time between Christmas and Easter is a real downer for me. No leaves on the trees, no sparkly lights, no Christmas anticipation to carry me through. Once spring is well under way all is well again...

Well, Philip just called and said that my sister in law is about to pull I guess I'll say goodbye!


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