Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Easy?! Sure!

“Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.” - Gene Fowler

....the same is true of blogging

So, today I bring you a several tidbits:

1) Before leaving home, check the TSA website to see how long it has been taking to get through security at your airport. Also, make special note of the security checkpoints listed with longer wait times. Especially at our hometown airport, DFW, some checkpoints are more frequented than others even though they all lead to the same place. Pay attention and perhaps shave a few minutes off of your wait time.

2) Delta has rejected US Airways hostile takeover bid. That is good news for consumers...I hope Delta is able to emerge from bankruptcy as an independent carrier.

3) Our U.S. carriers may have a harder time making a profit since deregulation, but at least the government doesn't interfere with pricing like this one in China. Evidently an airline is being fined big bucks for selling tickets at too low a price.

Merry Christmas!

(or whatever you celebrate at this time of year...at the Banks home, it's Christmas..)


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