Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Decade of Marty

This week marks the ten year anniversary of when my life changed. January of 1997 Philip hired a goofy kid whose previous experience most recently included working on a landscape crew. He had attended some travel school, which he would now tell you bore little resemblence to actually working as a travel agent.

Marty has been a mainstay here at Legacy Travel. After my son was born (six years ago..where did the time go?) and I was in the hospital, another one of my employees found herself in the hospital and that left Marty - during the busiest time of year - handling the office alone.

Marty has been a major fixture in the lives of both of my kids. My daughter was a young toddler when "Mr. Boehlke" came to work with us. Marty had moved up to the Plano office by the time my son came along. Like my daughter, he spent the first six months of his life here at the office with us. Marty did more than his share of holding him...bouncing him up and down so that Mommy could talk to a client just for one more minute. When Trey was little he referred to our office as "Bokey House" (Boehlke is pronounced "Bell-Key", when you're little that becomes "Bokey"). Since we were, at the time, located near a Whataburger Trey would yell "BOKEY HOUSE!" whenever we would pass anywhere sporting the familiar orange and white striped roof.We have always kept a collection of toys here at the office. According to Trey, those are "Bokey's Toys".

One day I was having a "spirited discussion" with Marty. Two year old Trey marched over, got between Marty and myself and with fierce loyalty and determination in his eyes told me in no uncertain terms "Yeave.Him.Ayone!". (That's LEAVE HIM ALONE for those of you who haven't been around many two year olds.)

My kids aren't the only ones who love Marty. Philip and I have long since learned that if we attend an industry function with him we can prepare to feel invisible. Very few people may know who we are (despite our having owned this agency for close to twenty years), but people will leap up from across the room and yell "MARTY!! HI!!!"

Very humbling.

The same thing happens across the globe. No matter where we travel, someone invarably will see our nametages and ask us..."Legacy Travel...is that Marty's agency?". Early on we used to take the time to explain that, no, Legacy Travel is actually our agency and Marty is a valued staff member.

Marty is a big part of what makes Legacy Legacy. Marty is as dependable as the passing of the seasons. When I hear from other agency owners how much trouble they have with staff embracing new ideas and technology I just can't relate. Marty has always been open and willing to try anything new. He's smart, efficient and beyond trustworthy. He creates an environment with our other staff members where new ideas are welcome.

These days, when someone says "Legacy Travel...isn't that Marty's agency?" We just smile and say "Yes...yes it is."

Thank you for ten wonderful years, Marty. I'm looking forward to many more.


(Ed. Note: Stay tuned this week for words from other industry people about our friend Marty...)


Blogger Unknown said...

~Marty, the go to guy.~
He can make me smile when I don't think anyone else could and can make things that seem impossible possible.

Much luv and respect,


10:19 AM  

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