Sunday, November 25, 2007

Our Pictures of Hotels and Resorts

We have recently started uploading our pictures to Flickr after we visit hotels and resorts. Flickr allows each agent to upload and label them rather than me having to do it all, which is nice.

Check it out

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Another version of the video with some narration...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

We're Looking for a Few Good People

Seriously...if you're considering a career change... Click here for information

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Tomorrow morning Philip and I will fly down to Cancun, then be transported down to the ElDorado Seaside Suites. It will be the first time we've been to Mexico alone and together, believe it or not. Every other trip we've had has been with agency group or with our kids or other extended family.

On Friday we'll be attending the Mayan blessing of the brand new ElDorado Maroma. We have a long history with this new hotel. We have been awaiting this opening for quite some time and are looking forward to it finally being open.

Should be interesting. Stay Tuned.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My New Best Friend

Meet BOB.

"BOB helps parents monitor and manage the time their children spend using in-home media. BOB is an easy to use, small device that sits next to a TV, video-game system or computer. The power cord from one of these devices plugs into the back of BOB and is locked in place. Then, BOB plugs into an electrical outlet. After set up – a process that takes about three minutes – the machine monitors the amount of time a child spends using that media device."

In our house we have rules about "Screen Time". Our kids get 5 minutes a day per year of their age. (A 12 year old would get 60 minutes, for instance.)

What I have learned is that kids (at least my kids) have a very distorted perception of time. BOB has totally taken me out of the loop of reminding them when their screen time is up. The TV just goes off, like magic!

We may have a mutiny later, but for now I love it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Not to Wear

I base most of my fashion sense on what doesn't itch. ~Gilda Radner

Why is it impossible to find jeans or slacks these days in which you can bend over or squat down and not reveal half of ones backside? I just want to be able to move freely and look nice at the same time. Is this so much to ask?

Next month I will be 43 years old. I've had two (rather large) babies. I am in fairly good shape, all things considered. Just yesterday I ran 6.155 miles (yes, all at once and no, no one was chasing me). I'm not trying to accomodate any physiological abnormalities to speak of. It really should be easier than it is to find clothes that fit and are comfortable.

I think nurses have it figured out. Scrubs look very comfortable. You can have a wide variety of colors or prints to represent the seasons or your mood.

Do you think I could start a trend where travel agents wear scrubs to work?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Pool Service

On Wednesday I remarked to Philip, "It doesn't look like the pool has been cleaned this week."

I called our pool service just to ask if we'd been forgotten. As it turns out, Autumn is a bit of a hard time to keep leaves out of a pool. :-) They had indeed been out on Monday and cleaned up, but since then the wind had whipped around and deposited all sorts of leaves into the pool.

What impressed me is what happened next. They sent a technician out to give our pool an extra cleaning at no charge since I called. How cool is that?

If you live in the area, our pool service is Hayden Pool Service. Their number is 214-361-7665. If you're in the market for a pool service, they're a good choice.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pet Peeve: "After the First of the Year...."

This time of the year I start butting heads with one of my dearly held pet peeves. I hate it when people procrastinate by using the excuse "I'll get started after the first of the year."

What is wrong with November and December? Are they not perfectly valid months in which to plan and do things? Is it not possible to be productive during these last months of the year? November and December are perfectly wonderful times to plan vacations, lose weight, be more organized, start exercising or whatever else will help you move forward with your life.

I have a new motto for the next two months: "Don't you wait till 2008"
(Say it, it rhymes...get it?)