Friday at the office turned out to be a better than average day saleswise, despite all of the goofing off we did playing bad music.
We celebrated Father's Day at the Banks household on Saturday by doing..nothing! That's right...Philip's best day is one where we don't have to go to that's what we did. We played in the pool, hung out..etc..
Then today (Sunday) the kids and I headed down and surprised my dad and his wife at their home. We were sitting on the sofa when they came in from church. (Jean knew we were coming, but it was a surprise for Daddy. He was really shocked..great fun. I love surprising people.
We also had another surprise yesterday. We were chosen as the Best Travel Agency in Plano in both the "Plano/Murphy" edition and the West Plano edition of "Go Neighborhood" (a publication of the Dallas Morning News). We had no idea and would probably not know we even won except that we got a congratulation email from a client.
What an honor! If you voted for us, thank you.