I have been a fan of ER for 15 years. Thursday nights have been my favorite TV night of the week.
So it was with sorrow in my heart that I sequestered myself in my room last night and absorbed the final episode of the series. Here are my comments.
1) I enjoyed the "look back" prior to the actual final episode tremendously. I don't believe in buying DVDs, but I think I'd like to have the sets of ER DVDs...especially the early years. It's been so long, I think it would be like watching them all over again.
2) I was surprised that Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway were not in the final episode. Sadly surprised.
3) I wish they had made Kim be sweeter to Dr. Carter. I am SO OVER her being so grief stricken and walled off from him. Get over it already..he's a great guy, take hold of your marriage and get on with life.
4) I loved in one of the last scenes when Samantha and Dr. Gates took hold of each others hands. Go Sam and Tony!
5) I also loved how Rachael Green was applying to Med School at County. I also loved how it appeared that Elizabeth and Rachael were close and still a part of each other's lives.
6) The story line where the mom and dad let the girls drink in their home because it is safer than going out to drink? Just a note to my kids and their friends and their friends parents. Not cool. Will never happen at my house and it had better not happen at yours.
7) With the opening of the Joshua Carter Center, it looks like John Carter has finally reached the destination in his series long search for meaning.
Good bye County! I'll miss you!